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Real Estate

Cashfac provides Real Estate solutions directly to Commercial Real Estate firms and indirectly through their bank. Cashfac supports a wide range of use cases in this sector, enabling the full segregation of firm and client funds as required under industry regulations. The platform enables the Real Estate firm to design their account hierarchies that reflect their business operations, such as block level, tenant, service charge, and deposit. In-bound deposits by the client can be automatically allocated from the bank account directly to the relevant virtual account, with automated recurring payments being made from those virtual accounts. Payments can also be made directly from the virtual accounts to 3rd parties and fully reconciled in the solution. Self-service interest management is offered, allowing the CRE firm to apportion their interest received across their client base, with interest calculated and paid directly from Cashfac via the bank’s payment rails. Accounts can be opened manually by the CRE firm in the solution or at high volume by batch upload or integration to the client’s operational systems.


  • Fully automated self-service solution for Commercial Real Estate firms.
  • Tailored account hierarchies for the client that align to their operating model and internal systems.
  • Client dashboards that align to their configured account hierarchies and operating model. 
  • High volume of automated matching for inbound deposits.  
  • Automated high-volume account opening through batch upload or back-office integration.  
  • Integration with ERP and General Ledger for downstream reporting and reconciliation. 
  • Full segregation of client funds and reconciliation back to bank for audit reporting. 
  • Statement reporting to the client with bespoke reporting available. 
  • Self-service interest rate calculation and settlement.

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