Manage cash on behalf of others and earn interest at a pooled account level
Using our interest rate management capability, businesses that manage cash on behalf of others can earn interest at a pooled account level while determining the interest due to their client accounts. This allows them to offer a differentiated client offering, taking advantage of applying different levels of interest funded through the pooled account.
For organizations deploying virtual accounts to support an in-house bank structure, the interest rate management capabilities enable shared service centers to be funded through the interest at the pooled account level.
Our platform supports multiple debit and credit interest rate models, commonly calculated from a base/benchmark rate. Businesses using our virtual accounts platform can configure multiple interest rates and apply them to their virtual accounts as well as determine their own capitalization frequencies and statement production.
For more information, contact the team to discuss your requirements or request a demonstration.
Talk to us today
To find out more about how Cashfac's capabilities can help your business, get in touch with our helpful team
Or call us on
+44 (0)20 7920 0617