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Our Vision

Creating a world of digital cash to safeguard your future

At Cashfac, we aspire to be the world’s most widely used and trusted digital cash platform, creating a world of digital cash to safeguard your future.

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Creating a world of digital cash to safeguard your future

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Brand Values

We promise to partner with you to collaborate, understand, and digitally transform your cash management operations to deliver value and excel your customers’ experience.

We are experts in operational cash management at every level, from industry, regulation, and market knowledge through to the way we tailor our product and how we service our customers.

We are passionate about the transformation that we bring to our clients. We know what the art of the possible is in cash management and are passionate about delivering that vision.

Cashfac constantly innovates and inspires businesses to be better than they thought they could be. We lead the market in operational cash management and inspire others to believe that intelligent innovation can bring about change.

We care about commercial value, and we understand the value that we bring to our clients. From the start of their relationship with us, we help our clients to maximize the value we bring to their business.

We develop collaborative relationships with our partners and clients. Our solutions evolve with our clients, and we help leadership teams to design and build their future vision with us.

Cashfac thinks differently. We understand the needs and desires of the end customer, and by meeting these needs, we help our clients develop long-term relationships with their customers.

Fist bump over a working desk

Our Promise

A Promise to Partner

We promise to partner with you to collaborate, understand, and digitally transform your cash management operations, deliver greater value, and excel your customers’ experience.

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A Promise to Partner

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Why choose Cashfac?

Our powerful and reliable Virtual bank Technology (VBT) is the world's most deployed Virtual Account Management (VAM) solution

  • 10+

    Bank partners

  • 700+

    Corporate customers

  • 700k+

    Customer accounts

  • 5m+

    Payments initiated annually

  • 40bn+

    Payments initiation value annually

Talk to us today

To find out more about how Cashfac's capabilities can help your business, get in touch with our helpful team

Or call us on

+44 (0)20 7920 0617
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